MARCH 24, 2018
At 6:45am on March 24th thirty three intrepid anglers launched their boats into the Lake to determine who will have the title of best fishermen in the sub division.
The team led (again) by Matt Songy with support from Zack Harrington and Harold Lohmann won the tournament with five fish weighing 10 pounds and 14 ounces with the larges fish of 5 pounds 6 ounces. In second place with 10 pounds 8 ounces was the team led (finally) by Jan Miller with the largest fish of 4 pounds and 4 ounces. Third place went to relative newcomer Steve Babin’s team with 9 pound 8 ounces and with the largest fish weighing 5 pounds 2 ounces.
The day was a perfect spring day, even though there was a little more wind than most would have liked, but the weigh in was a fun activity with hot dogs, soft drinks and beer for all that chose to attend. Eight happy kids received new fishing rods which were donated by Jan Miller. The event, which is sponsored by the Lake Ramsey Civic Association, is an annual event that has been done for the last 15 years.