Homeowner’s Association of Lake Ramsey
Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Richard Simmons, President.
Board Members President:
Richard Simmons, Bruce Sofge, Maria Baronich, Malcolm

Schuler, Garth Hernandez, Dimy Cossich, Leslie Barrios,

Kirk Songy, David Caldwell
D.J. Audibert, GNO, was not in attendance
Prayer was offered by Dimy Cossich.
Request Board Members keep each one of us informed of things they are doing, or decisions made. For this to work well we need to communicate with each other.
Artesian Water Resident Committee Study. In progress
Date for Gate Access Data Base be given to Paul on 21 December 2021
Gate operational programming instructions and operations. Waiting for Cell Gate Technician to finish his evaluation. Gate is operational with some minor issues.
The Board needs in one place a list of contacts and phone numbers for all vendors. Dave has this for action to provide the board with a list of contractors and contact info. This will be put in a file for access by others and future boards
Establish process for when problems occur with the gate on going. What is our cost per month with Cell-Gate and does that include technical support? These are questions I will get the answers working with Dave and Cell Gate.
Sheriff’s Deputies are patrolling the sub-division on a regular basis.
Get dates from GNO to meet with the Board to go over issues and improve operations. I have sent an email to DJ asking for dates. We will put an agenda together before the meeting and forward it to GNO before the meeting
Meeting dates for 2022 is being handled by Malcom (see below).
We have to sit down as officers and determine when we go see Trey and discuss our intentions to negotiate with OCI in both attorneys’ presence. It needs to be soon. I am asking you to think about it. I will call Trey and set up sometimes which are available to meet. I would like to have a polished set our requirements for the discussion. We as officers will meet together and with Sam to iron it out. We will then report it to the full board.
TREASURER’S REPORT - Maria Baronich, Treasurer
This is a cash-basis report.
Operating account bank balance on 11/1/21 was $49,412.44.
Net deposits were $1,368.99
Paid expenses $9,790.81 (of which $3,985 was entrance repairs) leaving an November 30, 2021, bank statement balance in the operating account of $40,990.62.
The financial statements provided by GNO can be viewed on their webaxis site when it is available: https://gno.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REPORT - Maria Baronich, Treasurer
The special assessment balance was due in full on November 15, 2021.
As of November 30, 2021, unpaid special assessments = $11,856.17.
As of November 30, 2021, a total of $321,337.57 had been spent for entrance repairs.
$11,685.69 of this amount paid out came from the flood insurance proceeds for the gatehouse.
This means $309,651.88 was spent using special assessment funds.
Currently, there is a shortage of special assessment funds received for the total projected cost of the entrance repair project. Regular budget funds will need to be used until unpaid special assessment funds are received.
Any special assessment funds collected over the actual cost of the project, as stated in the special assessment approved by the residents, will be deposited into the general reserve fund.
Richard Simmons will schedule a meeting with GNO to discuss issues.
HALRI vs. OCI Update
Members of the Board attended the December 14, 2021, Court hearing. Per request by OCI's attorney, the hearing was rescheduled to February 18, 2021.
Temporary Protection for 4A Road.
There are several portions of the roads in Phase 4A that present significant safety hazards due to exposed metal in the expansion joints. The board has decided, due to the issue of safety, that asphalt be poured over these areas.
Meeting Schedule for the year 2022:
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Quarterly Public Meeting
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Thursday, April 28, 2022
Quarterly Public Meeting
Thursday, May 26, 2022
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Thursday, July 28, 2022
Quarterly Public Meeting
Thursday, August 25, 2022
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Annual Public Meeting
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Reserving of the Firehouse for Quarterly Open Meetings
Malcolm Schuler will contact the firehouse to reserve meeting room for our Quarterly Public Meetings.
Relationship of Lake Club and Lake Ramsey BOD
Richard Simmons presented the issue of the coverage of liability insurance in relation to the lake and the projects and activities of the Lake Ramsey Lake Club. It was decided that ALL projects and activities involving the lake MUST be approved by the Lake Ramsey Board of Directors. This is to ensure these projects and activities be covered by the LRHOA insurance policy.