Survey on speed bump(s)
The Board of Directors of Lake Ramsey realizes the installation of the new speed bumps on Riverlake Drive has resulted in considerable discord in our community. Therefore, to assist the board in its decision on what to do, we are taking a survey of our property owners to express their recommendations. To participate in this survey, please go to link on the Lake Ramsey website at You will be able to place one input per lot. When completing the survey, please note, in the comments section, if you own and pay assessments for more than one lot. It is important to note that the names of respondents will not be published.
Full Name:
Full Address or
Lake Ramsey lot #:
Phone w/area code:
Email Address:
1.Leave new Speed Bumps as they are and paint them yellow
(Approximate cost of painting $ 2,000)

2.Remove new Speed Bumps
(Approximate cost for removal $ 4,200)

3.Modify the new Speed Bumps to widen them and reduce the angle to make them consistent with the original speed humps and create wheelchair and bike corridors
(Approximate cost of modifications $ 11,000)
The choices are (select only one):
1. Leave new Speed Bumps as they are and paint them yellow
2. Remove new Speed Bumps
3. Modify the new Speed Bumps